In follow-up from last week's story about Christmas Tree hunting, I had to share this photo of a sign I saw in Northmart on Christmas eve:
Glad we cut down our own. It's "Real" too! And not shipped up 2000km from the south on a truck... |
Aren't you impressed by the cases of tangerine oranges behind the sign though? Didn't quite catch the price on those.
We've had a very relaxing couple of days off of work this week, taking full advantage of the time to sleep in, read, watch movies and World Junior hockey, have dinner with friends, and most of all, leave the pager at home! But today we planned a little adventure, and drove the ice road up to Tuktoyaktuk, on the Arctic Ocean, and back. Photos and full story to come... stay tuned!

Lastly, it's time to share some exciting news we received on December 18th - a little early Christmas gift for us both! Adam and I both matched to the Emergency Medicine (CCFP-EM) one year program in Thunder Bay, through the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. We are excited to be continuing our education (Grade 23?) and to be moving back to Ontario at the end of June, 2014. Although the recruiters here in Inuvik are a little disappointed :)
Happy Holidays from Inuvik - note the temperature.... |
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